Every member of the Royal Family undertakes tons of engagements every year. Of course, that's not currently possible because of the pandemic. So, instead of going here and there and everywhere, the Family is still conducting engagements, but via Zoom! This does have an upside: Whereas I never would have been invited to or privy to these engagements were they done normally, now I can watch Kate in action via Zoom, and you can, too! Click the bold type below to view Kate's Zoom appearances, and visit here to see the entire Family's engagements over the past few months, all done virtually.
The Duchess of Cambridge says hello to Tiny Happy People and reveals that her kids are bottomless pits and love to eat!
William and Kate celebrate Canada Day by talking to healthcare workers on the front lines.
The Duchess of Cornwall and the Duchess of Cambridge mark Children’s Hospice Week, where they ask thoughtful questions and dig deep on those that work in children’s hospices.
The Duchess of Cambridge virtually visits Clouds House, an addiction treatment center, to see how they’re holding up during the pandemic.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge mark Volunteers’ Week to thank volunteers for the support they provide their respective communities.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge host bingo, which is basically the best video I’ve ever seen.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge call Veterans on VE Day, also up there with the best video I’ve ever seen.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge video call Caserton Primary Academy in one of their first COVID-19 Zooms.